2022 MAR
Japan Nite is coming back to SXSW 2022
Let’s celebrate Shonen Knife 40th anniversary together!
japan Nite @SXSW 2022
- Friday, March 18 9:00pm – 9:45pm CT
(日本時間は3/19 午前11時~11:45までです。) - Channel 1 @sxsw.com
- This event will be available on demand on Monday, March 21st 2022 at 10:00am CT
【Ultra Super Eccentric Cult punk pop bands lineup】
Shonen Knife / Lolita no.18 / Petty Booka / ZARIGANI$ / THE LET’S GO’s / THE TOMBOYS
Shonen Knife
World famous ultra super eccentric cult punk pop band.
Since 1981, when front girl Naoko formed the band in the rock city of Osaka, influenced by the Beatles, Ramones, Buzzcocks and others.
They continue to revolutionize the history of rock music by writing songs about fun and happiness, other than the usual romance, life’s struggles and disappointments, political frustrations, and battles.
The band’s name comes from an old brand name of pencil sharpener knives.
Lolita No.18
Ever since their debut on the BENTEN label in 1995, they have been touring all over Japan, Asia, America and Europe. In 1997, they were the first band from Japan to perform at SXSW (Austin, Texas) and toured 43 cities in 50 days across the US. They were also the first and last Japanese band to work with Joey Ramone. The album produced by Joey is one of the best albums in the history of Japanese punk music. In 2000, the band toured Europe with an album produced by Olga of TOY DOLLS, making a mark in the history of punk rock.
1995年にBENTENレーベルからデビューして以来、日本全国、アジア、アメリカ、ヨーロッパでツアーを行っている。 97年には日本から初めてSXSW(テキサス州オースティン)に出演し、50日間で43都市の全米ツアーを敢行。 ジョーイ・ラモーンと組んだ最初で最後の日本のバンドでもある。ジョーイがプロデュースしたアルバムは、日本のパンク・ミュージック史に残る名盤のひとつである。 2000年には、TOY DOLLSのオルガがプロデュースしたアルバムでヨーロッパツアーを行うなど、パンク・ロック史に名を残す。
Petty Booka
The ukulele-playing Japanese pop duo of SXSW favorites and world-famous (i.e. cult and innovative, anyway) .
They cover Hawaiian, bluegrass (including reggae and ska), country, punk, classic rock, and many other genres, from Patsy Cline to the Ramones. Watch out for the nerdy selection of songs.
SXSWの人気者であり、世界的に有名な(つまりカルトで革新的な、とにかく)ウクレレ演奏の日本人ポップ・デュオ.ハワイアン、ブルーグラス(レゲエやスカを含む)、カントリー、パンク、クラシックロックなど、パッツィ・クラインからラモーンズまで、さまざまなジャンルをカバーする。 カルトな選曲に注目。
Two pieces girls band of the explosive sound which is bassist & vocal ERI and drummer MIZUKI. The activity has been expanded to US and Taiwan. They Performed at SXSW showcase and elected as one of the “Japanese Artists to Watch in 2014”.

What is Japan Nite?
Japan Nite is a live showcase event for Japanese indie rock, punk, hardcore, jazz, new wave, and J-pop artists. It was first held as an international showcase in 1996 at SXSW in Austin, Texas.
Since then, for more than 20 years, Japan Nite has been touring SXSW and 6-8 other venues in the US, introducing artists who are still unknown and who will be active in the Japanese and international music scenes. It’s a blend of indie rock, punk, hardcore, jazz, new wave, J-pop, and other obscure and hilarious cultural celebrations or crazy parties.
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